Many of us will never give a second thought about fencing throughout our day. In fact, as long as a fence is sturdy and free of defects, it will go mostly unnoticed. Think about it, when was the last time you really paid attention to a fence? With that in mind, we thought it would be interesting to pull back the curtain on a wide variety of fences and show just how vital they are to our daily lives. Below are four types of fencing that will give you a tad more insight into each one when they are encountered. For readers that are reading this and looking for a high-quality fencing company then I would highly recommend seeing JB Corrie.
Zoo Animal Enclosures
If you have ever visited a zoo anywhere in the world, you stood in amazement at some gorgeous and majestic animals and more than likely were rather thankful there was a form of enclosure. However, while you were gazing at those gorgeous animals, did you ever stop to consider the fencing? More than likely, probably not. Zoo fencing is designed to keep the animals and people safe while not obscuring the views of the animals. Whether you are looking for fencing for birds of prey or big cats, there are fencing companies that specialize in this particular form of fencing.
Horse Track Fencing
The vast majority of people visiting a horse track will never give a second thought to the fencing. However, did you know that the fencing is known as running rails and it has been designed to keep the horses safe? Sterling Racing which is an Australian company developed running rails that could withstand the full force of a horse running full speed but flexible enough that the amount of injury to the horse would be limited. Considering that tracks are oftentimes temporary, it was important that running rails were designed to be moved.
Steeplechase Race Fencing
Steeplechase racing is a unique type of horserace that involves the jockey jumping the horse over obstacles known as national fences. This type of portable fence is designed with steel frames and stuffed with a plastic brush material. On the takeoff side, there is a canvas-covered foam rubber roll. This is a highly popular sport on the east coast and is quite similar to human athletes jumping hurdles. Unlike traditional horse racing, steeplechases are designed to raise money and awareness for charitable causes.
Wolf Fencing
Every rancher knows the financial pain of losing their livestock to hungry wolves. These nocturnal creatures are highly intelligent and quite difficult to keep out. They have incredible climbing abilities and work together as a pack to accomplish a singular goal.
There are a number of companies that specialize in the creation of tensile fencing that is designed to keep wolves out. High tensile fencing is designed with high carbon content as opposed to low carbon wire, which is a popular choice for agricultural fencing. The added strength in the wire makes it less likely to sag over the years. In fact, if this fencing is properly installed, it can remain strong for several years. Additionally, many ranchers will electrify this fencing as added protection.
These fences must be at least 40 inches tall and have six wires at least six to eight inches apart. The bottom electric wire will need to be no more than six inches from the ground as these animals will furiously dig in order to reach their prey.
It is not always possible for ranchers to build permanent enclosures for their livestock. Many ranchers have found that hanging orange or red pieces of cloth known as fladry on the fence has been an excellent deterrent. It would seem that the color and movement of these flags are enough to keep wolves from trying to breach the fence.