UK Labour Market Overview: July 2021

Early July 2021 estimates indicate that there was a 2% increase in the number of employees on payroll compared to July 2020. This is an increase of 576,000 employees. Since February 2020 there has been a reduction in payrolled employees of 201,000, which is a 0.7% decrease.

Compared to June 2021, there were 182,00 more people with payrolled employment in July 2021.

Early July 2021 estimates indicate that there was an increase of 6.4% in median monthly pay compared to July 2020. Compared to February 2020, there was a 6.4% increase in median pay.

From July 2020 through July 2021, there was an increase in all age groups for payrolled employees. For employees younger than 25 years old, payrolled employees increased by 247,000.

Gwynedd had the highest annual growth in July 2021 for payrolled employees with an increase of 6.1%. It was lowest in Islington and Haringey, with a 0.9% decrease.

The increase of payrolled employees from July 2020 to July 2021 was the highest in the support services and administrative sector (an increase of 212,00 employees) while it was the smallest in the retail and wholesale sector (a decrease of 50,000).

Three sectors with the greatest reductions all have continued seeing monthly payrolled employee increases based on flash estimates. From June to July 2021, wholesale ad retail increased by 7,000 employees, arts and entertainment by a total of 13,000 employees, and food service and accommodation by 32,000 employees.

In July 2021, the highest annual growth for employee median pay occurred in the arts and entertainment sector (a 15.9% increase) and was the lowest within the households sector (a 0.6% decrease).

July 2021 annual growth rates are compared to July 2020. Therefore, the reductions in median pay and employees that occurred after the start of the COVID 19 (coronavirus) pandemic is not contributing to the yearly growth rate any longer. Annual growth rates are being compared now with the lower baseline.

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About this release’s data

Early July 2021 estimates have been provided in order to give an indication of the level of employees likely is in addition to the median pay for the most recent period. The July 2021 figures are based on about 85% of the information is available. It is considered to be of lower quality and might be subject to revision during the release next month when 98% to 995 of the data is available. In April 2020 the work was first introduced in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and methods are continuing to be developed. There is a revisions triangle that employees can access and UK level median pay.

This release covers employees who are paid via the system Pay As You Earn (PAYE). Pay is reported via the Real Time Information (RTI) system. Employees who were furloughed as part of the programme called the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) should still be seeing their payments being reported via this system and be featured in the data and contribute towards the pay and employment statistics for relevant time periods.

The statistics included in the release were based on individuals who were employed in one job at least paid via PAYE, with monthly estimates reflecting the average of these individuals for each day during the calendar month. That follows the new methodology being introduced in December 2019 that was designed to align beer for labour market statistics with international guidelines. That differs from the method that was used before December 2019, where statistics were produced based on the total number of individuals paid in a specific time period.