Tips For Renovating While Sticking To A Budget

You don’t need to move to enjoy an amazing home, all you need to do is improve on what you have. By doing this, you will not only have a better home but will increase its value and make the most out of your living space. It doesn’t matter if you only want to add a couple of skylights to your living room or improve your bathroom, we know exactly how to make those upgrades while sticking to a budget.

Improve or get rid of your front door

It is a good idea to upgrade your front door in order to make a big impression. This is because when you have a beautiful and appealing front door, it will automatically improve the curb appeal of your home. At the very least, you should paint the old door to give it new life. This will not only improve how your door looks but improve the entire appearance of your home’s exterior.

However, if your current front door is in bad condition, then it is best to buy a new one. You can also purchase a new handle and knocker using our door handle guide. It is even possible to design and create your own handle, the sky is the limit.

Get a new and beautiful runner for your stairs

One of the first things that most people notice when they enter your home is your stairs. So, if your stairs have old or tattered runners, you should definitely update it with a new and stylish one. You can even make your stairs pop by purchasing a runner that is brightly coloured or even striped. Alternatively, you can choose a runner that is classy with a pale coloured pile or weave.

Get those floorboards painted

You can easily transform any room by painting your floorboards and it is the perfect DIY project. When you place a fresh coat of paint, make sure that you allow it to fully dry overnight. This small project can transform a room and even give you new decorating ideas. There are many colours you can choose from including white which will make the room feel new and fresh. This is also a very cheap way to upgrade any room in your home. If you have time, why not give the kitchen a lick of paint – or use a reputable specialist for kitchen painting in Guildford, for example.

Add a fireplace

A fantastic focal point for your living room or other room is a fireplace. However, in the 1980s and 1970s they weren’t so popular which resulted in many people removing them from their homes. So, if you have a chimney and a missing a fireplace, it is a great idea to simply reinstall a new one. It is definitely better to have a fireplace as the focal point as oppose to a television! It can truly add another layer of character and interest to your home.

You may not have enough cash to install an ornate marble surround, however, you can easily get affordable models made out of cast iron. It is easy to find a combination for £400.

Look after your cornicing

The original features that your home came with are certainly a great way to cheaply improve your home. All you need to do is work on these features so that they can look amazing once again. One example of such feature is decorative cornicing. This may be buried under many years and layers of paint, so all you need to do is remove that paint to re-introduce this detail to your home’s design.

Add bespoke shelves

If you’re like most other home owners, you never feel as though you have enough storage. So, it is a great idea to make full usage of your space by installing bespoke shelves. This is a great way to make use of any awkward spaces and get the storage you badly need.

Add a skylight

One inexpensive way to vastly improve the look of your loft or attic is to add a skylight. These will immediately brighten the room and make it feel bright and inviting.